Welcome to my second post, visitors and subscribers! That’s right, I have subscribers now! Woohoo!!!
Just kidding, this is not a big deal for me at all, a very famous person who is also professional and nonchalant.
For a quick recap, this is newsletter where I take inspiration from the 4-7-8 breathing exercise (breathe in for four counts, hold your breath for seven counts and breathe out for eight), to talk about my life and mental health. So I talk about four things I’m taking in, seven things I’m holding my breath for (or in other words, excited for), and eight things I’m putting out into the world.
Anyway heeeerreee we go (said to the tune of this underrated throwback):
Here are four things I’m taking in:
The Fall vibes! I’m just glad it’s not super cold out yet. I still have yet to step in a pile of crunchy leaves though. Gotta pencil that one in!
A bunch of 90 Day Fiancé recaps on YouTube.
Newman’s Own Thin Crust Frozen Pizza. The uncured pepperoni one. I know, I know, buying a frozen pizza when I live in New York is sacrilege.
Nothing because I’m trying to save money (don’t fact-check whether I’m actually succeeding at this).
Seven things I’m holding my breath with excitement for:
For the city to have a lot of winter markets. My dad would say I’m “rushing the season” but I’m not talking about Christmas yet, just the winter markets!
To be an aunt! My stepbrother and his wife are having a baby in December.
For some of the fun plans with friends I’ve made for November!
To start my part-time gig as temporary newsletter writer for Betches Sup, whose whole thing is essentially “politics made bearable with jokes”. I’ll be filling in for the regular writer of this newsletter for the second half of November! You can sign up here!
To start my next improv class!
To get a couch for my place. This whole time I’ve just been rocking with a bunch of chairs.
To maybe dabble in makeup again? Maybe I’m just getting overly excited because I cleaned my makeup brushes.
Eight things I’m putting out there:
The effort to try and stop making things weird or awkward (in a bad way anyway). Things aren’t awkward unless you make them awkward! I HATE when people say that to me but unfortunately for my stubborn self, I’m starting to realize it’s true. Again, I’m referring to “bad weird” and “bad awkward”. I’m going to be a pleasantly weird and awkward person for life, of course!
On a similar note: the idea that I can go to things by myself. I went to a comedy show by myself recently and ended up meeting a bunch of my Internet friends. Okay, so maybe that’s cheating because they were likely to be there, but I was still nervous before. And being at something by yourself where no one knows you is also totally fine because…no one knows you! And even if you run into your ex, they’ll just think you’re cool and mysterious!
Feelers for more friends in Brooklyn! The phrase “putting out feelers” always makes me chuckle.
My vote. I already voted early! Much like in school, midterms matter.
A couple new Reductress headlines. Check them out here and here (I only wrote the headline for this one)!
Energy to meet by 2022 goals. There are a few I met, one I exceeded, and some I’m on track to meet! There’s also at least one I’m not likely to meet, but that’s just the way life goes. You can never predict what your life circumstances will be. I had goals I was afraid to even write on my 2022 Resolutions list because I thought I couldn’t achieve them, and I did. So overall, yay!
Hopefully laughter! I always like to make those around me laugh.
The energy that I will eat all of the eggs in my fridge before they go bad. In fact, let me go look at that expiration date.
That’s all, folks! Thanks for reading! If you got to the end of this, you’re now legally bound to read every single one of these to the end. I don’t make the rules.