Hi everyone! How’s everyone doing? Wrapping Christmas presents? Lighting the menorah? Feeling glum about how cold it is despite that fact that the warm November made you just a tad concerned about global warming?
Whatever you’re doing and however you’re feeling, hello! Welcome to another installment of Four Seven Eight, the newsletter where I tell you four things I’m taking in, seven things I’m holding my breath with excitement for, and eight things I’m putting out there! Why, you ask? Because my favorite way to quell my anxiety is the 4-7-8 breathing technique, which is this nifty thing where you breathe in for four counts, hold your breath for seven and breathe out for eight. So I decided to make a newsletter inspired by it!
So let’s begin. On your mark, get ready, start (said in the anxiety-inducing pacer test voice, I’M SORRY)!
Four things I’m taking in:
The sound of the cars driving along on the wet sidewalks as I stay inside avoiding the cold. Bad weather is so comforting when you don’t have to go anywhere. Or when you can use it as an excuse to stay inside.
More improv classes!
Jenny Han’s “The Summer I Turned Pretty” book series. I read the first one and now I’m reading the second one and I really like them. Despite not knowing her personally, I’m happy for Jenny Han that her books keep getting picked up for movies and series.
All the holiday cheer around me! I went to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden light show this year and despite the rain it was beautiful! I also checked out the Dyker Heights holiday lights this year! And I got my own place looking a little festive too. Speaking of which…
Seven things I’m holding my breath (with excitement!) for:
To decorate my place a little more. It’s finally starting to come together and not feel like a depressing white box! Woohoo!
To work on my novel again! I’m going to get back into it soon, I can feel it!
Christmas, of course!
To go to some museums! I haven’t been to a museum in a while but I figure it’s a fairly Covid-safe way to meet up instead of eating indoors.
The first time it snows! Surely it’s going to happen eventually!
New Year’s Eve, of course!
To take on 2023!
Eight things I’m putting out there:
Some changes to my website. The changes are mostly in the content rather than the aesthetics, but check it out!
My confidence to have my own opinions! I took a step back and realized lately that I’ve been less afraid to speak freely about my opinions on things big and small without worrying what those I care about will think of me. And it works out, because I usually come to realize that those people don’t judge me and still respect me. And if they do judge me, then they’re not someone whose opinion I should be worrying about (easier said than done of course).
Effort to be a bit more physically active. I have a fear of giving into toxic fitness culture, and while I think that’s a real concern, I’ve been a little more active lately and I will reluctantly admit that it does help my mental health.
Some writing that’s a little more earnest. Okay, so in this case putting it “out there” means on my computer and in my Notes app, but I’m enjoying realizing that sometimes I can write things that aren’t funny (and don’t even intend to be funny! Can you imagine?)
Gifts of course! I haven’t given most of them yet but, you know, on Christmas!
Goofy Instagram Notes now that Instagram added that feature and everyone is nostalgically turning it into AIM away messages.
Positive energy for the New Year! I don’t know what my resolutions are yet, but I know that I’ll have them, and that’s what counts, right? Maybe?
Well wishes to everyone this holiday season! I know this is a tough time for many and I’m sending love to you all. If you’re not feeling cheerful, that’s okay. And if you are, spread the love to someone else in your life who may need it.
Happy Holidays!